Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Weekend Out

Well, I had all kinds of plans this weekend. Lots of things to get done. And then DH gets all excited about taking the kids to a lake we've never been to, and how can you say no? I've always been a sucker for the puppy eyes. The lake was a clean saline lake, so everything kind of got crusty when it dried, and of course, it was COLD. That is the sky of an impending thunderstorm, which we seem to just have every day now. Feels like Tornado Alley is creeping north.

Yes, the sky really does look like that. And no, I can't see my dog running away for days, I don't live in  that part of Saskatchewan. We also took the kids to Crooked Bush. All the aspen trees in this little grove are deformed, and they don't know why. Genetic mutation! It's kind of creepy, but very cool.

We got the Rosetta Stone Homeschool program for the girls. And me. French, Japanese, and Latin are what we're starting with. And Montessori math to keep DD's brain from going to sleep over the summer. Our summer is packed pretty solid, so not many days lazing around the house. Hopefully I'll have lots of time to actually DO something fun and personal while they do "schoolwork". I think I'm finally going to do an infinity dress. I really need something for the summer, and maybe doing something quick that I can wear will inspire me. So far, I keep thinking "I can't go play, I have to...." But I'm going a little crazy!!

I am going to a movie, without the kids, on Saturday. And yes, this is my first adult movie out since the kids were born. I'm not even taking my DH! Well, not adult movie, chick movie. Eclipse. Out in public, with other people, as a person, not a mom! I feel a little weird. We shall see whether I miss them, or feel like I'm free. I've been on dates, and the odd candle or purse party, but never to the city for something not a doctor's appointment without them. In almost 7 years. Wow. Am I pathetic or what?

1 comment:

  1. About time! You'll have a blast, and only worry about Ell a bit. I can see a bit of adult life in your future!
