Sunday, September 06, 2009

Long Time

What a summer!! We went camping for 3 weeks in BC. We did the hot springs loop, and loved it! After we came back, I organized my big girl's room, and my little girl's corner. Those alone took several weeks, and then I took the girls and went home for a visit. After lots of shopping, including a great little red top hat, I came back and sent my DD off to Grade 1. That week, DH submitted his resume for a job that might take us to the REAL prairie. I found a nice house in commuting distance on MLS, showed him, a was confused when he laughed hysterically. Until he told me that it was the town Corner Gas was filmed in. Where I live, there are lakes, small forests, we live in the North Saskatchewan River valley, there is a small forested island with hiking trails, and wildlife, and the area between the island and the main banks is shallow enough to walk across in the fall. I cannot see forever. Down south though? So flat is almost seems impossible. It gives me this odd sort of vertigo. But, Regina is a surprisingly nice city, and it's DH's dream job, despite the pay cut. Which means I'll have to get more serious about making things to sell. Plus, I'm farther from family, as well as my diabetic pediatrician.

Speaking of diabetic pediatrician, at my appointment on Friday they told me that DD qualifies for an insulin pump. She's almost 3, and a nudist, so I don't know if I can get her to wear it, but it would mean that she can eat what and when she wants, and a little IV instead of 5 or 6 shots a day. It's scary, but it sure would be nice to stop the food fights.

My top hat is quite red, but a short one, not a tall one. It has red feathers on one side, with one black feather in there. Now I need a steampunk winter coat. Probably 3/4 length, maybe with the hem higher in the front than in the back. A Victorian riding habit look, or maybe a little military, but with a flare below the waist. I found one at Winners, the label said "laundry". It was still out of my budget, but it was very Jack the Ripper, while also quite feminine. High collar, box pleats at the back hip, very fitted. And too much money since the new cedar deck cost several hundred more than we expected. I might just have to find a larger size wool coat in a second hand store and alter it. Well, here's to the search. It might actually be the best part!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finding Yourself

After spending some time at the in-laws, with all the time to myself that that entails, I have been thinking more about spirituality. And no, I don't mean "God". I mean time to feel connected. Maybe meditation. A moving meditation, as I have a hard time with the lotus pose kind. Personal power. As someone who loved physics in school, quantum mechanics fascinates me (i.e. What The Bleep Do We Know?). The fact that everything is connected, everything one (Richard Bach), and yet not really real. Matter is an illusion. In our need to anthropomorphize everything, we have given the force behind life- within the universe- a personality or a name. Rather arrogant. As though identities, something we seem to hold so dear in ourselves, could encompass something so vast. And, unfortunately, we have even tried to give it a gender. I feel like I need to express this somehow. Visually, and in 3 dimensions, as is my wont. Before I was married, the numerology of my name branded me a spiritual person. I have to wonder if the numbers aren't right. Am I losing that power within myself now that I have become a wife, a mother? Can I take the feminine power inherent in those roles, and learn from it? Maybe.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

30 Minutes, and The Good News

Is 30 minutes to myself too much to ask? My DH takes care of the kids, and yet I still don't get 30 minutes uninterrupted to dance, work out some tension, get my heart rate up. I'm lucky if I get 20. If the kids get any hint that I'm leaving, or that they are (but without me), my little one has a break down. The few times the Grandparents have stayed with them so DH and I could have a couple hours as adults, the little one spends the next couple weeks as my shadow, panicking if even her father tries to hold her. This strikes me as beyond separation anxiety. I know they love me, but seriously. They are 5 and 2, could I really still be the absolute centre of their universe?

On the up side of life, we bought a used truck. 2006 F-150. Not that I like trucks, but it will pull our trailer, and that means I get a nice summer vacation. I finally got my nose pierced. And yes, it does really bloody hurt. My navel piercing might have actually hurt less. Giving birth to my daughter on the bathroom floor in the middle of a blizzard wasn't as shocking as the stab of pain when she forced the needle in!! I know, what did I expect, I'm an idiot. Also, there are some new books out on corset making I think I'll have to get, and I must make an order at Farthingales, as well.

I did get to spend time with another stay at home mom, shopping in the city. Just us and our 4 kids! For some reason, it didn't seem nearly as bad dealing with the kids. Maybe having someone to talk to while we shopped made a big difference. Also, we went to stores I don't go to on my own. The hat store, the metaphysical shop down the street from the hat store. The piercing place!! It inspired me, got me out of my living-in-the-middle-of-nowhere-doing-nothing-exciting funk. Now I feel energized, and ready to create. Plus, the nose ring makes me feel more like I'm 30, less like I'm 60.

And last, but never least, hail spring!! After picking up DD from school, I just left the kids outside. YAY!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gardening for the Blood Type Diet, Ethnic Clothes

It is amazing how a simple cold virus can bring a household to it's knees. We have all spent the last week coughing up our lungs.

In that time, we did start planning our garden, though. We Square Foot Garden, and get a lot of produce, while still managing to keep our lawn. The only problem is that our naturopath has our diabetic DD on the blood type diet. She's type A, so no nightshades. I'm not quite sure how to garden without tomatoes or peppers. I always keep a section of the garden where they can go eat whatever they want, and that shouldn't change, but the no nightshades will hurt. Of course, I'm type O, so that means her recommendations for me were different, but 3 against 1.

On the sewing front, I've been sort of drawn to the ethnic feel of the clothes in some of the stores, but I'm not fond of the lack of shape. The embroidered and batik fabrics are amazing, the strong gypsy feel very nice, but not everyone looks good in a tent, and many people look pregnant in an empire waist with a flared skirt. The batwing shirts are something else, too. I might have a couple of them hiding somewhere, but they are probably sized for a 14 year old. Well, the ethnic feel sort of goes with my bellydancing obsession, and Ann Sayre Wiseman's Cuts of Cloth is definitely a start for some experiments. There may be a kameez or afghanistan blouse in my near future. I also have some glorious chinese silk in a heavy kimono weight just waiting to turn into something.

This cape over on BurdaStyle goes well my current vampire fetish as well. Maybe that's what I should do with that red silk. I have a smaller piece of black with gold dragons, but the red would be more striking. The question is, am I ready to venture out of hiding? It's so much easier to hide what I really like, than to come out in Saskatchewan. The red would certainly speak out, and when we first moved here, I still wore my vintage furs, and biker boots, and piercings, but has my nerve fled forever? Are Husky's sweats and ponytails my future, or chinese red capes and 2 tone hair? Only time will tell.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, I was supposed to work on my FLYlady control journal today, but, I didn't. My DH informed me that he wanted to make him some more deodorant. We started to, and then we got carried away. I made a nice tinted lip gloss for me, some manly body oil for him, steeped some more herbal oils, did a nice stimulating hair oil treatment, a wonderful body scrub, and spent more money on yet more essential oils. Can't make a manly oil without cedar, after all. The deodorant did get made, but we tweaked the recipe. It's amazing how his presence makes me goof off so much. I guess there are downsides to actually being friends with your husband. The girls helped some, but got so caught up in making ramps for their hotwheels, that they let us smell and blend while they cut and taped. And decorated, of course. When girls make ramps for their hotwheels, the ramps must have ribbon on them, don't you know.

Since this was my Sunday, I'm going to do the Monday FLYlady clean tomorrow, anyway. She has a blogtalk radio show on the Monday clean, and a timer and nattering in the background actually seems to help. Stops the mind from wandering to all the other stuff I could be doing. I found lots of in between today. Hopefully that doesn't mean I've filled my quota for the season!


I am scatterbrained. That's all there is to it. I am very easily distracted, especially when it's chores that I'm supposed to be focusing on. However, I have to feed my kids, take the oldest to kindergarten, give insulin shots, keep track of glucose levels, and try to clean up after 2 very needy, scatterbrained children. My 2 year old DD has all kinds of problems, type 1 diabetes being the most pressing, but they all add up to someone who cries quite a bit, needs to be carried a lot, and yet insists on dressing herself, going potty by herself, and actually does okay cleaning up after herself. My 5 year old DD is artistic, imaginative, and quite emotionally needy. She also is as scattered as me. Well, more so. She has a terrible time picking up, but can literally get out every toy and fancy dress in her room and spread them all over the house in under 30 minutes. She wears 5 or 6 outfits a day, all of them with long, complicated stories, that she likes to explain to me in the most roundabout, confusing way. She got that from me too. I talk too much. My tastes are extremely varied (my girls are learning to share that taste in a place where cliques and fitting in are almost a religion). All this adds up to a major organization handicap. And so, for the fourth or fifth time, I am restarting to FLY. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link. FLYlady. Any other FLYers? Today I'll redo my control journal, and I'll post results later. "Come, other butterflies, flitting among the flowers like I, and FLY!!!"

Friday, March 20, 2009

Merry Eostara

Well, it's a time for new beginnings, and here we go. The new sewing room is... well... on its way. I still have piddly work to do, but I can see the floor, yay!!!!