Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

I got a really nice little painting from my older DD, and she bought me some scented candles from the dollar store with her own money. However, I had to make breakfast, DH is on the computer watching woodworking videos, and the girls are watching a video in the playroom. Yay.

The BBEX awards last Tuesday were actually quite nice. They moved to a different location this year, and some students did the montage videos for all the nominees. The food was, as usual, amazing, and DH presented the SaskEnergy award this year. I got a lot of odd looks for my outfit. I guess it could have been more flattering, but it was so fun, I just had to.

A little frumpy, and as usual, no good lighting, but I still love the dress. And the socks. And the boots. And the purse, and the coat. Below is my little rockabilly girl. She actually chose this herself.

I guess she comes by it honestly, anyway!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

It's May, spring....

And here I sit, looking out my window, at the snow. I'm about to go wake up the kids, their soup for lunch is heating, the smoothie ingredients are in the blender, and it's snowing. I am a little concerned for all of the little perennials coming out. I force most of my herbs, pushing my zone --I'm a zone 2b. That basically means, I can hardly grow anything, and my last frost date is June 5th -- and snow with really cold temperatures just might kill off the little sprouts coming up.

DD's Barbara Reid pictures are really good. I think we have found where her talents lie. I haven't done one myself yet, but I'm thinking I should. I look at hers, and have a hard time accepting that they are done by a 6 year old!

I have a reason to get dressed up tonight. I'm going to some awards ceremony. I go every year, I don't know anyone up for an award, and it's terribly boring, but it's part of my DH's networking for work. I'm tempted to go all out, but I don't think I remember how to do my makeup. And the dark circles under my eyes will make me look like a raccoon regardless! But time away in a fancy dress is still time away. In the snow. In heels. Yay.