My modified kitchen!! (I paused to take this picture while making supper.) It is amazing how time can get away with you. Kids, home renovations, getting ready for spring, all of it, can just make it seem like the days are flying by in a blur. We built a new kitchen counter, put in tile on the back splash, and got new handles for the cupboards. It can make quite a difference. My DH's bosses figure he'll have a management position within the year, so now we are just trying to get the house looking nice. Anything functional, and half decent looking, stays, and everything else gets new makeup, or replaced. I really would like some nice steampunk accents, but finding it can be hard. Duty can be tough on some stuff, and the online shopping in Canada seems to be lacking. My DH is modern/minimalist, and I'm steampunk, with a little exotic thrown in, and finding things we both like can be hard. I want an eastern/jewel toned bedroom, with rich fabrics, and incense, and he wants one where it's easy to set out his suits and get dressed in a well organized, visually minimal space in neutral colours. All of the antique bottles and jars on the top of the cupboards are his, and yet he wants all modern appliances, and didn't like the idea of funky plug plates. The trim and window treatments need to go up, and there's still paint splashes and the like to be cleaned up, but at least I can use it all.
My doctor had a talk with my husband, telling him to give me at least an hour, at least 3 times a week, to exercise, and meditate (he's big on yoga), and do things without kids, and other responsibilities. That was only a week ago, but so far I had a really good conversation with him about it, but then between grouting the tile, and washing and replacing all the stuff on top of the cupboards, I had less time. And then, of course, he keeps me up until midnight, and then leaves me to do all the glucose tests for our diabetic DD during the night (about 3 or 4), as well as the nightmare back rubs, and the "Mommy, I know it's 2 am, but I need a snack" runs. I am standing up at the counter, eating my lunch, and typing this while everyone else eats at the table. He is taking time off work to stay with DD while I go to physio, but I'm not sure if that counts. There must be a way to fit more in. I am terrible at time management, for one thing, and I must be one of the most sidetracked people in the world. I think I need to take a class, or join a gym. Once fall starts, hopefully DD will go to playschool one morning a week, that will help.
My older DD has been learning about Barbara Reid in school. She's been practicing it a lot. That, and doing science experiments. She wants to be Dr. Horrible. She even has a great evil laugh. She used to be a princess, wear only pink, and now she'd rather wear black and red. She likes Dr. Horrible and Ruby Gloom, dragons, and anything with vampires. And she's only 6!! I had to threaten to take her play makeup and jewelry away, she was starting to put it on to go to school. I might have a goth/steampunk princess on my hands!! I guess she comes by it honestly, but I don't remember being like that in grade 1. Buying school clothes next fall should be interesting, at least. Getting the kids to clean is like pulling teeth, but I don't think I'm alone there. The grind calls (sigh), I just hope I'll do this again, sooner than 6 months next time. ;P